A Malaysia in which political competition is driven by policy, competence and integrity, and not ethnicity, religion and language.
We advance and promote political stability and accountability through institutional reforms in four main areas : –
Constitutional Monarchy, in which all Rulers stay above partisan politics to act as the unifying force for all Malaysians and enable elected leaders to govern.
Parliamentary Democracy, in which diverse interests and values in society are well-represented, and government backbenchers and opposition lawmakers play effective roles in lawmaking, policy-shaping and governance oversight.
The Rule of Law, in which laws protect human rights and advance the well-being of citizens and residents, and are applied uniformly and fairly, without bias or political interference on the Judiciary, the Prosecution and law enforcement agencies.
Federalism, in which powers are meaningfully dispersed between the Federal, Regional/State/Federal Territory and Local governments, which are elected and accountable, to enable optimal variations best suited for Malaysia and its diverse components.